The Time is Nigh. The End is Near. The poles are reversing. The ice caps are melting. The globe is warming. The Mayan Calendar is closing. Jesus is coming. It's the zombie apocalypse. Shift Happens.
By now, we've heard it all, in one form or another. What we choose to believe is our choice. It is hard to deny that something big is going down. Hard to deny, I dare say, by anyone.
It is very apparent that the world is in a time of massive shift. No one can truly know what is coming, though many have asserted to know. Yet with the eyes to see and the ears to hear, we feel it in our bones. Our hearts may flutter with excitement, while our chests may clutch in fear. This shift is collective in its nature, and much is being asked of us on a spiritual level, which breathes into all levels of the emotional, mental, and physical self.
In both my work and in my workshops, I am encountering much yearning which is offset by much uncertainty. This may lead to seeking or to grasping, or it may lead to its opposite - which I have perceived as a sort of numbness. This numbness allows us to believe that everything is just as it was and nothing is truly "going on".
The Earth is just as it was; sacred resources will supply our employment, plump our wallets and fill our fridges; new vehicles and forever new supersmart me-myself-and-i-phones can continue to fly off the product lines onto shelves and into every room of our homes and they will do so comfortably with no repercussions to our health or safety any level.
But this is not Truth. We know this. We know this so deep in our bones, throughout the entire landscape of our hearts and our minds. We know this, and it rages deep into our very cells to the microcosmic degree. And we are now being asked to tell ourselves the Truth, every microcosmic moment of every macrocosmic day.
Much is going on, much is happening, and it will not stop anytime soon. We are being asked to harness our energies, and to get to know them intimately. What is that niggling behind my eyebrow? Why is that old injury acting up after all these years? Why is my menstrual cycle kicking in every two weeks? Every two months? Why does my knee give out every time I walk away from so-and-so? What are these childhood memories resurfacing for? Why does this shit keep happening to me?
It is time to ask the deeper questions. It is time again, to believe. To allow ourselves to remember who we are, where we came from, and where we wish to go. We have worked long on ourselves, in order to balance ourselves within this process of Healing and Awakening. It is inevitable, but we can of course put blinders and masks on if we so choose. It is, after all, a free will universe. Dates and numbers are effective with which to look to for a landmark of awareness - but nothing within manifest reality is finite. We are the navigators of our own waters.
We do have help, we do have guidance, but we are being asked to wipe the sleep from our eyes. We are being asked to stand our ground and not allow the shades to be drawn any longer. Be the eye of the hurricane, but don't deny the hurricane its existence. This is an option that we do have. Pretending no longer serves anyone, anything, anywhere - and things are moving much too swiftly now for us to look away from ourselves in the mirror.
It is not easy to watch this go down, to see the game unfold, to feel the wounds and the pains as they wash to the surface. But please, let's not allow ourselves to get disheartened. We are doing the work, we must simply remain diligent. Let us also not allow the rockiness of this massive shift to give way to a fearful need to control.
This can lead to an insatiable desire for power. And we are being asked to re-define, re-form, and re-claim this very word. The power-hunger-program is one born of a very old paradigm which is now causing large ripples and waves as it moves to the surface in order to be cleared. Let us choose to clear it. True power comes from within our own selves, our own bodies, our soul vibes and essences. Let us be clear. This is not power over - it is power within. Let us be conscientious that we do not grasp outwards for "pieces of power". The stars are within us.
To quote Don Mariano Quispe, of the Q'ero Lineage, "Our inner stars are linked to our souls and with the Kawsay Pacha (living energy world) and with the cosmos, in all of its manifestations. Each of our inner stars holds information about where we came from and where we are going. It carries information about our biological lineages and about our spiritual lineages. It is like a guiding star - or a guiding light: illuminating the pathways of our souls from the past through the present and into the future ... our inner stars can illuminate areas from our past (including past generations) that are infused with hucha (heavy energy), like emotional hurts from our childhood or physical trauma. Our inner stars reveal these areas of hucha to us and support us with cleansing and illuminating our past so that our present and future can be clean and clear and radiant."
This is the time to begin to work with our individual abilities, gifts, passions, and "keys". It is not necessary that we 'go' anywhere. Let us thrive well in our places, and the temples of our bodies. Our information and tools are right here inside of us. We brought them with us when we came into this world. Let us restore them to their original intended divinity. As the old adage goes, the only constant we can count on, is that there will be change.
Let us also not give way to the heavy arms of hopelessness. We are revisiting that which we have allowed, over time, to seep in. Some old programs and thought patterns have been triggered into release on their own terms and we have had to sit tight for the ride. Some of the old has taken a lot of work, on an individual basis, in such a way that we have been able to manage the releases and their effects on our personal timing and in some cases, on our own terms.
Now we are being asked to truly feel the beauty and magic of working as a cohesive and interwoven collective. It would serve us well to keep driving the points of our deepest desires home. That which we wish to see happen for our families, our communities, our homelands. Do not give up hope. Let us place our signatures on those pieces of paper. And let us sign them, over and over again, until we feel that our voices are heard and that we, ourselves, believe us.
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